Overcoming infertility

The Fertility Restoration Consortium

Our Mission

Optimizing germline stem cell-based therapies for fertility preservation and restoration

About us
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Our mission is to promote advances in human germline stem cell understanding and develop new stem cell-based therapeutic solutions for treating infertility

what we do

A collaboration between researchers within the field of reproduction

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Laboratory of Reproductive Biology

Copenhagen, Denmark

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Fertility Clinic

Odense, Denmark

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Department of Reproductive Medicine

Odense, Denmark

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Department of Paediatrics and Adolescence Medicine

Hvidovre, Denmark

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Department of Paediatric Surgery

    Copenhagen, Denmark

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Department of Clinical Medicine

Copenhagen, Denmark

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Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Copenhagen, Denmark

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Department of Urology

Herlev, Denmark

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European Reference Network









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latest news

We just published a review on injection techniques

Background: Although the prognosis of childhood cancer survivors has increased dramatically during recent years, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer and other conditions may lead to permanent infertility in prepubertal boys. Recent developments have shown that spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation may be a hope for restoring fertility in adult survivors of childhood cancers. For this reason, several centres around the world are collecting and cryopreserving testicular tissue or cells anticipating that, in the near future, some patients will return for SSC transplantation. This review summarizes the current knowledge and utility of SSC transplantation techniques. The aim of this narrative review is to provide an overview of the currently used experimental injection techniques for SSC transplantation in animal and human testes. This is crucial in understanding and determining the role of the different techniques necessary for successful transplantation.